bestate/b in bskaruliai/b is known from early xvith century and still here is the oldest building in jonava - gothic church built in 1600 - 1622. this is one of the latest examples of "pure gothic" in lithuania: ...
Jonavos dekanate Didžiojo penktadienio tradicinis Kryžiaus kelias maršrutu Rukla ? bSkaruliai/b? Jonava vyko jau devintą kartą. Procesijoje dalyvavo keli šimtai tikinči?j?: Ruklos parapijos gyventojai, ?Caritas? vaik? dienos centro vaikai ...
bEstate/b in bSkaruliai/b is known from early XVIth century and still here is the oldest building in Jonava - Gothic church built in 1600 - 1622. This is one of the latest examples of "pure Gothic" in Lithuania: ...